FAQ: How do I change the telnet prompt on Keysight N5700/N8700 series power supplies?

We have changed the IO interface from VXworks to the winCE operating system on these product families. The winCE operating system started shipping in July 2014, on instruments with serial number above US14G.

With the new IO interface, the telnet prompt will be <N57xxA> or <N87xxA>. If you need to change these prompts back to <SCPI>, which is what they were formerly, send the following SCPI command:


This setting is non-volatile and is available with firmware B.00.00 and up.

Applies to: N5740A, N5741A, N5742A, N5743A, N5744A, N5745A, N5746A, N5747A, N5748A, N5749A, N5750A, N5751A, N5752A, N5761A, N5762A, N5763A, N5764A, N5765A, N5766A, N5767A, N5768A, N5769A, N5770A, N5771A, N5772A

Applies to: N8731A, N8732A, N8733A, N8734A, N8735A, N8736A, N8737A, N8738A, N8739A, N8740A, N8741A, N8742A, N8754A, N8755A, N8756A, N8757A, N8758A, N8759A, N8760A, N8761A, N8762A

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